What is Advanced Illness Management Services (AIM)?
AIM is a home based program established to ease the transition between curative and comfort care for seriously ill patients who lack coordinated hospital, home health, and hospice care.
Our patients are seen by physicians and nurse practitioners with expertise in palliative medicine for pain and symptom management, with additional care provided as appropriate, individualized and customized to the patients’ needs by a team of experts in areas such as physical therapy, wound care, social work, nursing and other ancillary services. We take care of patients but also support their families during these difficult times.
Continuity of Care
Apart from managing symptoms, the program aims to provide continuity of care, especially to patients who have just been discharged from Rockford Memorial Hospital. The ultimate goals are to provide excellent patient care and arrange appropriate services to the patients and their families so that they have a good quality of life in their home environment and also to decrease the need for unnecessary hospitalizations.
What is the AIM Team?
Our AIM team consists of trained medical professionals including physicians, nurse practitioners, Patient/Provider Navigator, telehealth nurses, nurses, social workers, therapists, and a nurse manager. Mohammed Ilyas Ahmed Khan, M.D., is Director of Palliative Care and Advance Illness Management Services.