Sun. Jan 19th, 2025

Rockford Health System

Dental implant problems: Symptoms to look out for

3 min read
What are the dental implant problems symptoms? Many people who are about to undergo dental implant surgery are worried about the effects that accompany dental implant procedures. This article will talk about what to expect during dental implant surgeries and when to worry about your symptoms. After reading this article, you can <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">read about the experienced team at</a> well-trained in surgeries.
dental implant problems symptoms

What are the dental implant problems symptoms? Many people who are about to undergo dental implant surgery are worried about the effects that accompany dental implant procedures. This article will talk about what to expect during dental implant surgeries and when to worry about your symptoms. After reading this article, you can read about the experienced team at well-trained in surgeries.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are used to replace missing teeth. Then procedure that is required of dental implants is mildly invasive, and minor surgery will need to occur for the dentist to surgically insert the implant into the jawbone. Dental implants are a better option when compared with dental bridges to replace missing teeth. This is because dental implants stand to take the place of teeth, both aesthetically and in function. They can provide the necessary pressure to the jawbone that a real tooth provides, to minimize the risk of bone loss, unlike a dental bridge that is only put for cosmetic purposes. There are also digital dental implants that are faster to install.

What are the complications that sometimes occur with dental implants?

For most of the people who have dental implants, there are no problems that happen after the procedure. If the implants do not develop any infections or complications, they will be able to replace the teeth successfully and will rarely need replacement or maintenance. They will become part of the patient’s mouth. However, there are some instances that dental implants can cause complications and infection.


Implant rejection. There is a chance that the implant will be rejected, and it will cause extreme pain and discomfort at the implant site. Implant rejection can also cause infections. dental implant problems symptoms


Infection to the implant. Although it is normal to feel some level of pain after the dental implant procedure, if there is an infection in your dental implant, you will feel extreme pain. 


Injury to surrounding structures in the mouth. If the implant is not placed properly, the implants stand to cause significant damage to the surrounding structures that are near the implant. 


Nerve damage. Along with causing nerve damage to nearby structures, implants that are not positioned properly may also cause damage to the surrounding nerves.


Sinus problems. If the dental implants are placed in a way that they protrude into the nasal cavity, it can cause sinus problems. 


What you can do

If you are suffering from extreme pain or any kind of symptom that is listed above, it is a good idea to visit your dentist. If there is something wrong with your implants, your dentist will be able to tell you what the root cause of the symptom is and they can also tell you the immediate and prompt treatment that can be provided to get rid of the complication.


Although complications of dental implant surgeries are rare, they do happen. You must seek dental care as soon as you feel any of the symptoms listed above. Seeking immediate treatment will ensure that the risk of infection will be kept at a minimum. You can also use a water pick in cleaning your teeth to avoid irritation.

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