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Rockford Health System

Why Do All My Teeth Hurt? (Different Dental and Oral Problems)

6 min read
Why do all my teeth hurt? One main reason can be because of oral health problems such as cavities and tooth decay.
The pretty woman is showing off her beautiful and white teeth.

Why do all my teeth hurt?  One main reason can be because of oral health problems such as cavities and tooth decay. A regular dental checkup will help you to get an accurate answer for your condition. Please visit Boutique Dental Care’s clinic in Chatswood if you need urgent dental care.


Oral Health

Oral health is an important part of your general health and well-being. Inadequate oral hygiene can lead to dental cavities and gum disease. It has likewise been connected to cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.

Keeping up well teeth and gums is a long-lasting responsibility. The early-stage you know proper oral hygiene practice, the simpler it will be to stay away from costly dental procedures and long-term health issues.

The dentist checks the patient's oral health.There are several steps you can do to maintain your teeth healthy. For instance, dental and oral infection can be significantly diminished by:

  • flossing your teeth at least once a day
  • brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste twice a day
  • drinking fluoridated water
  • intake a diet rich in fruits and vegetables
  • reducing your consumption of sugar
  • stay away from tobacco products
  • visiting professional dental care


Manifestations of Dental and Oral Difficulties

It would help if you did not stand by until you have symptoms to see your dentist. Visiting your dentist two times a year will typically allow them to see an issue before you even notice any manifestations.

If you encounter any of the following manifestations of dental and oral health problems, you should plan an appointment to visit your dentist at the earliest opportunity:

  • bleeding or inflamed gums after brushing or flossing
  • ulcers, sores, or delicate zones in the mouth that will not settle following possibly 14 days
  • chronic awful breath
  • unexpected sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures or drinks
  • loose teeth
  • declining gums
  • pain or toothache
  • cracked or broken teeth
  • pain with biting or chewing
  • frequent dry mouth
  • clicking of the jaw
  • inflammation of the cheek and face

If you have a high fever and facial or neck swelling along with these manifestations, you should look for emergency medical treatment. According to this agency it is easy nowadays to find online an emergency clinic to cater to your needs.


Causes of Dental and Oral Problems

Your oral cavity gathers a wide range of microbes, viruses, and fungi. Some of them have a place there, making up the typical vegetation of your mouth. They are mostly harmless in little amounts. Yet, an eating routine high in sugar makes conditions in which acid-producing bacteria can prosper. This acid breaks up tooth enamel and result in dental cavities.

Bacteria close your gumline flourish in a tacky grid called plaque. If plaque is not taken out consistently by brushing and flossing, it will accumulate, solidify, and relocate down the length of your tooth. This event can aggravate your gums and result in the early condition called gingivitis. Gingivitis can lead to a more severe gum disease called periodontitis.

Furthermore, there are a lot of factors that contribute to dental and oral problems, such as:

  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Smoking
  • Eating sugary foods and drinks
  • Medications
  • Other health problems like diabetes

These factors can be a reason to a question why do all my teeth hurt. Other dental and oral problems may encounter eventually, especially if we have low dental and oral hygiene lifestyle. Wearing a custom mouthguard is also ideal for people who are in to sports.


Dental and Oral Diseases

Dental and oral diseases are the primary cause of why do all my teeth hurt. For a lot of reason, we use our teeth and mouths. So, it is not surprising how many things turn out badly over the long haul, particularly if you do not take appropriate dental care. You will probably encounter at least one dental problem during your lifetime.


Cavities, also called tooth decay or dental caries, are a relatively common cause of toothache. They are parts of the tooth that have been permanently harmed and may even have holes in them. They happen when microbes, food, and acid cover your teeth and build a plaque. The corrosive properties on your teeth begin to destroy the enamel and afterwards the fundamental dentin, or connective tissue. Over the period, this condition can prompt permanent damage.


Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gums and an early stage of gum disease. It is typically the consequence of plaque developing on your teeth because of inadequate brushing and flossing practice. Gingivitis can cause your gums to increase and bleed when you brush or floss. Neglected gingivitis can prompt periodontitis, a more severe gum infection.


As periodontitis advances, the contamination can spread to your jaw and bones. It can likewise result in an inflammatory response all through the body.

Cracked or broken teeth

A tooth can break or crush from an injury to the mouth, biting solid foods, or grinding the teeth at night. A broken tooth can be extremely difficult. It would be best to see your dentist immediately if you have a damaged or cracked tooth.

Sensitive teeth

Another reason for experiencing teeth hurt can be because of sensitive teeth. There is a lot of reason for sensitive teeth. In case you have sensitive teeth, you may feel pain or inconvenience after getting cold or hot foods or drinks.

Sensitive teeth, also called dentin hypersensitivity, happens incidentally after receiving a root canal or a dental filling treatment. It can likewise be the aftereffect of:

  • a cracked tooth
  • gum disease
  • receding gums
  • worn-down fillings or crowns

Some individuals usually have sensitive teeth since they have more delicate enamel.

Mostly, you can treat your sensitive teeth with an adjustment in your daily oral hygiene routine. There are explicit brands of toothpaste and mouthwash for individuals with sensitive teeth.

Oral cancer

Oral cancer appears as a sore or growth in the mouth that does not disappear. It incorporates cancer of the:

  • gums
  • lips
  • cheek
  • tongue
  • base of the mouth
  • hard and soft palate

Usually, a dentist is the first individual to perceive oral cancer. Tobacco use, like chewing and smoking tobacco, is the most significant danger factor for oral cancer. The earlier you detect oral cancer, the better the outlook.


Other Reasons Why Do All Teeth Hurt

Tooth grinding

Bruxism is the medical term for teeth grinding. It is a propensity that regularly happens because of stress or nervousness. Individuals who grind or clench their teeth will, in general, do as such during rest.

Teeth grinding wears out tooth enamel. It might likewise harm or break the teeth, making broad agony.


Temporomandibular joint syndrome

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome is a musculoskeletal disorder affecting the joints and muscles of the jaw. This joint attaches the lower jaw to the skull.

Individuals with TMJ disorder may encounter severe or unexpected pain in the jaw, ear, or temple. This agony may likewise transmit to the teeth.

The following features and conditions can expand the danger of TMJ disorder:

  • teeth grinding
  • crooked teeth
  • jaw dislocation
  • facial injury
  • arthritis


Crowded teeth

Crowded teeth, also called malocclusion, can squeeze each other, bringing about pain. They may likewise result in jaw misalignment when you close your mouth.

Malocclusion or crowded teeth can create pressing factor and pain sensations in one or more parts of the mouth. Sometimes, you feel all the teeth hurt.

Crowded teeth and malocclusion can cause pressure and pain sensations in one or more areas of the mouth. In some cases, all the teeth hurt.

Other likely indications of crowded teeth include:

  • Overlapping or crooked teeth
  • pain in the back of the mouth, from the emerging wisdom teeth
  • development in the teeth or the state of the bite over time



Sinusitis is a swelling or inflammation of the sinuses. The sinuses are the little, air-filled holes that sit behind the cheekbones and temple.

This condition can result in abrupt pressure and hurt in the jaw, which may emanate to the teeth. Other regions that might be tender or agonizing include:

  • forehead
  • eye area
  • cheeks


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