How Much Physical Activity Do Adults Need?
5 min readAdults tend to forget doing physical activities due to their very busy schedules. According to research, most working people spend an average of 90,000 hours at work over a lifetime, that is 1/3 of your life, spent doing nothing but work. So have you ever stopped to ask yourself, “How much physical activity do adults need?” There are plenty of options for adults to be able to do physical activities even in the comfort of their own home, visit if you want to know more.
Importance Of Doing Physical Activity
Exercising can help in maintaining our health in good shape. According to research, physically inactive people are more at risk of several diseases and disorders. This includes diabetes, cancer, obesity, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases. Physically active people also tend to live longer than inactive individuals due to lower risks of contracting several diseases.
Physical activities can also affect our mental health, it reduces the risk of anxiety and depression. While doing exercises, our body releases endorphin which is also known as happy hormones. Thus, leading an individual to feel a sense of happiness and lightness after a workout routine.
A physically active person has a better body balance, strength, and endurance which are all essential in our daily lives. People who do extreme physical movements in accomplishing their daily work are advised to do more exercises to strengthen their muscles and bones.
Amount of Physical Activity Needed For A Healthier Life
Children aging from 3-5 years old need physical activity to help in their physical development. Parents and guardians are advised to encourage daily activities to their kids like playing outdoors.
Young adolescents are also encouraged to join a variety of physical activities. Since this is the stage where most of them are starting to develop their physical characteristics, different activities are advised to help in strengthening major muscle groups and bones. Aerobic activity, muscle strengthening, and bone-strengthening activities every day are advised to keep a healthy and balanced life. A 1-hour physical activity daily is advised for people at this age.
Adults aging 18 to 50 years old need more physical activities at this stage of their life. This is where they spend most of their time sitting in an office causing their muscle and bones to weaken. A situation that would probably cause bone problems in the long run. Adults need at least 2 hrs and 30 minutes of light physical activities every week or a 1 hour and 15 minutes a week of heavy physical activity or both. Muscle-strengthening activities are also advised for more health benefits.
Older adults with the of 56 years old and above would benefit greatly if they were active in doing physical activities during their younger years. At this stage, the amount and extremity of the activities that they can accomplish become limited because of chronic conditions. Older adults may need to identify their capacity to do a multicomponent physical activity every week. This would include aerobic activity and exercises that would strengthen the major muscle groups.
Pregnant women should do at least 2 hours and 30 minutes of physical activities in a week. This should also be done during the postpartum period. Women who were physically active before their pregnancy may continue doing their usual routine under the supervision of their health care provider. Certain adjustments may be done depending on the condition of the pregnant woman.
Older adults with chronic health conditions and people with disabilities should do at least 2 hours and 30 minutes of exercise every week. Activities that include strengthening all major muscle groups should be done twice a week, or more if possible. If they cannot perform these activities, they should engage in any light physical activities according to their abilities.
Different Types Of Physical Activities
There are plenty of ways to be able to accomplish your daily physical activity goals. We are going to discuss the different kinds of physical activities that would best suit you, the health benefits of these activities, and the do’s and dont’s in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Aerobic Activity
Aerobic exercise is considered as a moderate physical activity that improves cardiovascular endurance. This is the type of activity that would enable you to continue doing the exercise even though your heart beats fast.
Aerobic activity can help in improving your breathing by bringing oxygen to your body. When the oxygen enters the lungs, it will be carried by the red blood cells going to the heart, after which, it will be pump by the heart producing energy.
Our body could burn more fats in doing aerobic exercise than any other physical activity. While doing an aerobic activity, more oxygens will be delivered to the muscles this will then start the process of fat burning.
Below are the most popular aerobic exercises:
- Walking
- Skipping
- Running
- Skating
- Cycling
- Burpees
- Swimming
- Stair training
Muscle Strengthening Activity
Muscle-strengthening activity is also known as strength or resistance training. This kind of training is designed to develop muscular fitness by using strength in lifting weights. It helps the body get fitter and stronger, the training also essential in protecting the bone health and body mass giving the person a lighter feeling after the exercise.
This type of activity helps in improving the heart’s health condition, the body’s physical balance, and maintaining the strength of all major muscle groups. Some researches also conclude that doing muscle-strengthening activity can help in controlling chronic diseases and gives cardiovascular health benefits.
This exercise is known for helping in boosting metabolism as well as burning calories during and after a workout.
Below are the most popular muscle-strengthening activities:
- Squats
- Biceps curl
- Deadlifts
- Weightlifting
- Pushups
- Planking
- Crunching
- Lunges
Bone Strengthening Activity
As we grow old, our bodies tend to change as well. Our bones for example become weak, fragile, and brittle causing various bone diseases like osteoporosis. According to research, over the age of 50, at least 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men will experience bone fractures if doing physical activities is not prioritized.
This type of activity helps in increasing or preserving bone density.
Below are the most popular bone-strengthening activities for children:
- jumping and climbing
- rope skipping
- basketball
- swimming
- football
- gymnastics
- martial arts
- any activity that will enable them to work against resistance
Below are the most popular bone-strengthening activities for adults:
- dancing
- weightlifting
- running
- badminton
- water-based activities
- hockey
- other activities that will require body lifting, muscle training, and the likes.
Doing physical activities don’t need to be boring and monotonous all the time. You can do enjoyable physical activities with friends and family and avoid that dull feeling when exercising alone. A good example of group physical activity is going on a swim with your friends, hiking with your family, or even a simple walk in the park with your pets. There are several options out there to explore to maintain a healthy body and a happier life.