Cosmetic surgeries boost a person’s self-esteem and make them feel confident in their skin. Liposuction and tummy tuck are two of the popular procedures done to achieve a shapely body. Doctors share how they combine abdominoplasty with lipectomy for patients who have loose skin and muscles
Cosmetic surgeries boost a person’s self-esteem and make them feel confident in their skin. Liposuction and tummy tuck are two of the popular procedures done to achieve a shapely body. Doctors share how they combine abdominoplasty with lipectomy for patients who have loose skin and muscles.
What is abdominoplasty?
This type of cosmetic surgery is also known as a tummy tuck. It is performed on people who wish to have a tighter and firmer abdomen. The surgical procedure removes all the excess flesh and, fat and loose skin from the abdominal area. As people age, the muscles in the abdomen become loose because of natural causes, like pregnancy. Many experts and doctors say that it would be physically impossible to reverse the loosening of the muscle, and the only way to tighten the muscles back up would be through a tummy tuck surgery. When abdominoplasty is coupled with liposuction, the overall look of the abdomen will greatly improve.
Preparations for the surgery
Your doctor will advise you on everything you need to do before the surgery. Preparations for a liposuction and tummy tuck would include not taking any medication and not drinking any liquids or consuming any food at least 8 hours before the surgery. Although there might be some medicines that can be exempted from this rule, and if you will take them, you can do so with a small sip of water to wash them down. The surgery itself usually lasts for around two to four hours, and the patient may be able to go home on the same day, or they can opt to stay overnight.
Are there any risks involved with liposuction and tummy tuck?
As with any surgery, there would be some risks, but they would be rare and most patients would come out unscathed and happy about the results of the procedure.
Some risks would include bleeding, infection, excessive scarring, poor wound healing, a patient not being happy with the cosmetic surgery results, skin discoloration and numbness or pain in the area. There will also be some risks related to anesthesia that your anesthesiologist will discuss to you before the surgery.
These risks are rare, but you should call your doctor when you have extreme chest pain, a fever that is higher than 100 degrees Fahrenheit, redness, swelling or extreme pain in the surgical site and if the pain does not go away after drinking medicines.
Keep in mind that the effects of the surgery will last for as long as you can maintain your weight. Liposuction and tummy tuck surgery do not guarantee that you will never gain weight after the surgery. You will also have to work to maintain your body shape and take the necessary steps to make sure that you do not gain the weight back. Regular exercise and a balanced diet are good ways to stay healthy and fit. Your doctor can advise you on the best methods you can use to make sure you can maintain your weight.
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