Thu. Sep 12th, 2024

Rockford Health System

Physical Activity For Kids? Benefits And Kinds Of Physical Activities

6 min read
Are there a lot of physical activities that the adults and kids can enjoy? Physical activity for kids will help them build relationships with other people and will make them healthy.
physical activity for kids

What is the importance of physical activity for kids? What benefits does the physical activity for kids give? Are there a lot of physical activities that the adults and kids can enjoy? Physical activity for kids will help them build relationships with other people and will make them healthy. And physical activities can also help in creating a harmonious and fun relationship in the family.


Physical activity for kids

Physical activity is any activity that engages your body to move. It can consist of a physically active play, any sports and exercises and even your everyday chores. Physical activity for kids is a vital part of their play and learning. They must start a habit to be physically active and have a healthy lifestyle from their early life. Doing physical activities will help them build a relationship with the family and to other people.

physical activity for kids

There are many physical activities that kids can indulge in, from light, moderate and vigorous activities. It includes playing any musical instruments, strolling at the park or standing up while painting on an easel for light physical activities. As for moderate physical activity, where kids will be gently puffing and huffing, includes the following:

  • riding to school, a friend’s house or child care
  • quick walking
  • swimming
  • flying kites, skipping, dancing

For vigorous physical activity will make kids sweats a lot and be more physically active. The activities include:

  • riding a bike fast
  • playing running games such a chasey or keepings off
  • Playing planned sports such as touch football, soccer, netball or basketball.

There are also physical activities that can strengthen your kid’s bones and muscles. These activities will make your kid’s bones and muscles work more than normal, such as climbing, jumping, lifting and running. Moderate and vigorous physical activities will also often help in building muscles and bones.


Make kids physically active.

A kid who is healthy and physically active starts from home. Parents had a vital role in making their kids healthy and physically active. Activities that are done together, with the family, will make the family healthy and a great way to build a harmonious relationship. Here are some tips that can help you in making your child healthy, physically and mentally and physically active.

  • Give your kid a lot of time to be physically active in doing organized and unorganized activities, such as playing in a playground.
  • Choose activities that fit with your kid’s age and stage of development.
  • Always keep the activities fun for the kids.
  • And for the teens, you may encourage them to have a bike ride with their friends or go for a walk in the park.



Physical activity for kids helps them develop a habit to be physically active and have a healthy lifestyle. Not only are the kids that will benefit from doing physical activities, but adults also and here as follows:

physical activity for kids

  • They will become more flexible when they do physical activities.
  • It will keep the kids’ lungs and heart strong and healthy.
  • Kids will keep healthy body weight when they do physical activities.
  • Physical activity will help kids develop strong bones.
  • Doing physical activities will lower the risk of kids to some diseases and health problems.
  • A physically active kid will do well in school.
  • Physical activity for kids will help in improving their mood and self-esteem.
  • Doing physical activity is one solution to a sedentary lifestyle of your kids—such activities like playing video games, sitting at the computer or watching television.


Time management

According to an Australian guideline, a kid under one year needs to have lots of floor play. And for the babies who aren’t up and about, tummy time for about thirty minutes each day is good. Giving your kids time to do physical activity will help them to be physically active and healthy. Here is the list that you can use when you want to organized physical activities for your kids.

  • For kids aged one year up to three years, they should be physically active for at least three hours each day. The activity should include energetic play.
  • Kids aged three years up to five years should do physical activity for at least three hours each day. Energetic play should be included in their activity and will make the physically active.
  • Children aged five years up to eighteen years should do physical activity at least one hour of moderate to vigorous activities and several hours of light physical activity each day. The kids should do these for at least three days a week. And the activities should help in strengthening the kid’s muscles and bones.
  • As for the teens aged over eighteen years, they should do physical activity for two and a half to five hours of moderate physical activity. Vigorous physical activity for at least one and one fourth to two and a half hours per week. Or your kid can do both the combination of moderate and vigorous physical activity that will add to their activity overall. And also, young people should do activities that strengthen their muscles for at least two days a week.


Physical activities for kids

Making time for unstructured, active activities for kids is important, but the fun part is also essential. Kids that are having fun while doing the activities will help them to be physically active and will develop their skills in a variety of ways. There are a lot of the physical activities that you can do with your kids. Here are some of the activities that can be done in a home child care setting, any playdate or outdoors. And these activities can also be used for kids who have a short attention span.

  • Animal Walk

In this activity, you can encourage your kid to hop like a frog, walk like a bear or gallop like a horse.

  • Run Away From the Monster

As kids love chase game, this activity will indeed be enjoyed by the kids and their parents or any adult they trust.

  • Fly a Kite

This activity will make your kid run outside, in a wide-open space and taking in the fresh air. And as kids like running, this activity will surely make them have fun.

  • Ride a Bike

As the kids love to zoom around under their own steam, this activity will help them enjoy. You can use a balance bike, tricycle, or a bike with training wheels in doing this activity.

  • Ball Kicks

This activity will make your kids develop their skills in kicking. Using different types and sizes of ball, you can see how far your kid can kick the ball or play goalie on a fence or in front of the wall.

  • Climb a tree

Climbing a tree will help in developing your kid’s skill in balancing. In this activity, you can let your kid climb on a tree with low branches and see how far he can climb. But be close by, in order to support and for the safety of your kid.

  • Hike

If you are a nature-loving person and you want to introduce and make your kids love nature, then this activity is recommended. Hiking will not only help your kids develop the skills in balance, agility and coordination, but will also make them healthy.

  • Hide and Seekphysical activity for kids

Doing this activity will help your kid in developing their agility. In this game or activity, your kids can hide either themselves or stuffed animals that they love.


Physical activity for kids is a vital part of their play and learning. They must start a habit to be physically active and have a healthy lifestyle from their early life.


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