Sun. Jan 19th, 2025

Rockford Health System

Reversing Gum Disease: Keeping Your Gums Exceptionally Healthy

4 min read
Reversing gum disease is only possible during the earlier stage of periodontal disease. The identification of early signs of periodontal disease can increase the opportunity to treat it. On the other hand, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">based on Sandstone Point Dental team's experience</a>, any oral health concerns are treatable. However, patients should visit their dentist regularly.
treating periodontal or gum disease

Reversing gum disease is only possible during the earlier stage of periodontal disease. The identification of early signs of periodontal disease can increase the opportunity to treat it. On the other hand, based on Sandstone Point Dental team’s experience, any oral health concerns are treatable. However, patients should visit their dentist regularly.


Gum disease

early signs of gum diseaseBefore the condition arrives in periodontal disease, an inflammation of the gums occurs first. The medical term for this inflammation is gingivitis. Furthermore, the usual cause of gingivitis is a bacterial infection.

If you neglect the condition at this stage, it can progress into a more severe infection, namely periodontitis. On the condition that your gum condition reaches this point, you can no longer reverse it. Otherwise, slowing it down is the only option you have.

In the long run, you might end having losses of teeth. Besides that, it will be another oral concern that you have to address in the end. It’s better if you consult your dentist when you feel these symptoms to prevent any anomalies in the future.


Gingivitis and periodontitis

Gingivitis at an early stage involves plaque buildup. As a result, the gums will become inflamed and might also easily bleed while brushing. In this case, the teeth remain firmly intact in the gum tissue. At this stage, it is still possible to reverse it and prevent it from progressing into periodontitis.

The primary cause of developing gingivitis is the buildup of plaque and tartar. As a result, the bacteria find an opportunity to thrive in the gums and teeth. However, this buildup only happens because you are not practicing your oral hygiene at its best.

On the other hand, you can tell that you have gingivitis if you have red and swollen gums, which easily bleed as well when brushing. Aside from that, you also develop bad breath.

Meanwhile, periodontitis is the result of the progression of gingivitis. This stage of periodontal disease will begin destroying your gums and teeth. In effect, your gum tissue will start receding. The recession of gum tissue will lead to teeth falling out or tooth loss.

The most critical level of periodontitis involves the death of your gum tissue and severe infection development. Moreover, it can even affect the whole immune system. Read more about this here.


Reversible signs of gum disease

If you feel something’s off with your oral health condition, you may look for these symptoms. These factors signify that you have an earlier stage of periodontal disease or gingivitis.

  • Red or swollen gums
  • Bleeding gums
  • Bad breath
  • Severe tartar buildup
  • Tooth sensitivity

Identifying these factors earlier will help you save your gums and teeth from the progression of periodontal disease. In like manner, you can already prevent the occurrence of gum disease in the first place. Check them out on the subsequent parts of the article.


Reversing gum disease

As we have mentioned in the initial part of this article, reversing gum disease is only possible if detected earlier. Below are some of the options you can follow to prevent gingivitis progression into a severe condition.

  • dentist helping patient in reversing gum diseaseFirst and foremost, always practice good oral hygiene. Ensure that you are brushing and flossing your teeth thoroughly. Removing leftover food particles in your teeth helps you prevent plaque buildup. Besides that, you can also consider using mouthwash to add to your oral hygiene and freshen your breath. Regularly doing this will keep your gums and teeth healthy and free from periodontal disease.
  • If you are a smoker, you better think of quitting it permanently. You even can do this slowly. Smoking is another source of gum irritation. On the positive side, stopping from this bad lifestyle habit will not only save your gums and teeth. In general, it can save your overall health condition, such as reducing the risk of developing cancer.
  • Keep your mouth hydrated. Drinking plenty of water will help wash out the food particles left on your teeth. Aside from that, it helps maintain saliva production. Saliva helps wash away the bacteria present inside your mouth and teeth.
  • For the most part, you have to keep up with your dental visits. The dentist can help you determine whether you have early signs of gum disease. In effect, they can already apply treatment to prevent progression.

Overall, we can say that we don’t need to reach even the stage of gingivitis. We can prevent its occurrence right in the first place. Generally speaking, the possibility lies in our hands. Furthermore, opportunities to reverse gum disease will also increase if we seek the help of our dentists.


Medical treatment options

Your dentist can also recommend the following dental treatment options to address gum disease.

    • Scaling and planing: These procedures involve removing plaque and tartar up to the gum line’s more in-depth part. Once plaque and tartar reached these areas, bacteria can proliferate. The gum pockets will serve as their breeding ground. These processes take control of that condition.
    • Laser periodontal therapy: It includes in-depth cleaning of the roots and under the gums. The SLDC clinic has been using laser for their dental treatments with great feedback by their patients.
    • Traditional surgery: It is an invasive type of treatment, wherein gums are cut and moved back to expose the teeth. Afterward, the dentist will remove the bacteria using a high-speed dental handpiece and then stitch the gums back around the teeth.
As you can see, you have several options in reversing gum disease. You only have to ask your dentist about it. Aside from that, you have to take full responsibility for your oral care as well. In the end, keeping your gums healthy depends on your oral habits.

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